I'm Andres Ruiz

A Software and Game Developer 👨‍💻
Working since 2017🚀.

  • 🔭 I’m currently working on Simple Serial Manager (opens new window).

  • 🌱 I’m currently learning Carbon Lang, Kubernetes and ESP-IDF.

  • ❓ Ask me about anything related to Dart, Flutter, .Net, Arduino, ESP8266 or ESP32, JS and Unity3D.

  • ⚡ Fun facts: I'm from Medellín, Colombia and speak spanish (Soy paisa de pura cepa y hablo español), I speak english too and I'm learning Italian (sto imparando l'italiano).

# My Skill Set

# Frontend

Vue.js React Bootstrap CSS3 HTML5 Flutter Illustrator Photoshop Adobe XD Material UI WordPress Tailwind CSS NextJS Chakra UI

# Backend

Android C C++ C# .NET JavaScript TypeScript Python Node.js Dart Kotlin Unity .Net Core Arduino

# DevOps

AWS Kubernetes Linux Git Bash GCP Jenkins TensorFlow MongoDB MySQL Nginx Azure Raspberry Pi OpenCV

# Github Stats

# Recent Blog Posts

I dont have post yet but I'm working on it


Last Updated: 5/31/2024, 5:53:22 PM

Made by Andres Ruiz with ❤️
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